While Market is in Houston we, all of us that can't go, have

the Festival twice a year.
Do you have quilt to enter?
Lots of fun seeing all the different quilts
and when the times comes
you will be able to vote for your favorite
in the different classes.
Make sure you grab a drink and a favorite chair because there will be a lot,
I mean a LOT of eye candy.
Anyone can enter and you can enter up to two quilts, with different posts
of course.
This is the second of my quilts, first one can be seen here
This quilt was in my head for a long time. This is all original, my design.
I had a little help from a few tools
Some rulers to help with those curves and lines.
I bought the template on the right, from Judi at http://www.greenfairyquiltsblog.com/
several years ago, first time I used it. I already had the quilt on the frame so I made a copy
and cut it out, traced around it. See it there in the triangle area?
Also had help from
All quilting is free hand. I love how this finished, just like the one in my head.
It was raining the day I took pictures.
I used two layers of batting, the bottom is Warm & Natural 100% cotton and on the top I used
Tuscany Wool that I bought at AQS show in Paducah this past spring.
I've heard so much about silk thread that I decided to give it a try.
It was ok, except the thread kept hanging on the top of the spool
which made a lot of thread breaks. I ran out before I finished the quilting and didn't have time to order more
This quilt was in my head for a long time. This is all original, my design.
I had a little help from a few tools
Some rulers to help with those curves and lines.
I bought the template on the right, from Judi at http://www.greenfairyquiltsblog.com/
several years ago, first time I used it. I already had the quilt on the frame so I made a copy
and cut it out, traced around it. See it there in the triangle area?
Also had help from
All quilting is free hand. I love how this finished, just like the one in my head.
It was raining the day I took pictures.
I used two layers of batting, the bottom is Warm & Natural 100% cotton and on the top I used
Tuscany Wool that I bought at AQS show in Paducah this past spring.
I've heard so much about silk thread that I decided to give it a try.
It was ok, except the thread kept hanging on the top of the spool
which made a lot of thread breaks. I ran out before I finished the quilting and didn't have time to order more
so I used So Fine#60 and guess what .... can't tell any difference.
In hind sight I wish I had used Glide so that it would have a little sheen.
Other than that I would not change a thing.
I made this to hang in my dining room, it is 53X53.
My DH even likes it,
My DH even likes it,
he keeps running his hand over it.
I do like how the wool makes the designs "pop".
You can't tell from the pictures, but I went around all of the applique and it pops off the background.
This quilt has a lot of first for me.
Thank you for visiting and check out all the quilts at