Are you ready for the 100 Quilts For Kids Parade ?
Grab a beverage, Coke for me, maybe coffee for you.
Get cozy in a comfortable chair.
Here comes the parade, sorry I don't know how to add music.
All of these beautiful baby quilts are being donated to
The Down Syndrome Assoc of Middle Tennessee
in honor of my Stevie.
Here's the Grand Marshall of the parade
The first quilt in the parade was made by me.
Cute little quilt with striped sashing, cute for a girl or boy.
I made the next little quilt using fabric from the Chirp line
one for a little boy
and another for a little girl
I have another one on the frame and will hopefully have it ready
by tomorrow.
I have two more tops made but I don't think I will have them
quited in time for the challenge but that's ok
because for me this will be an on going project. My plan is to donate at least
one quilt a month to keep the Assoc well stocked.
Now for the Junior Grand Marshalls.
All of the wonderful and talented ladies that helped make a dream come true for me.
You will have to visit her and see all of the quilts she made for 100QFK,
but this one she donated to DSAMT (Down Syndrome Assoc of Middle TN)
The next 4 cuties in line is from the talented Michelle.
Michelle, I apologize I have your blog saved on my computer at work.
If you will leave it in a comment I will add it.
I want to give credit where credit is due.
Never mind Michelle I found you, sent 4, yes 4 quilts
All 4 are just beautiful. Darkness was settling in so
my pictures do not do justice.
Bringing up the rear of the parade are my new quilting friends, the Sewing Sisters.
They are usually making quilts for their church ministry but one Saturday last month
made baby quilts to donate to

I stole borrowed Sarah's picture because hers is much better
than the one I took in the dark.
Are these not bright and beautiful ?
Thank you, ladies!!!!
All of you have been wonderful to take the time, materials, and
talent to make all of these quilts to give to our
Down Syndrome families.
Quilter do have the biggest hearts.
My dream of giving every newborn with Down Syndrome in our area a
quilt, to be wrapped in love from their very beginning, has come true,
thanks to
That's the end of the parade, while I sweep up all of the parade confetti, you
need to go over and see all the other quilts made
I don't know about you but I think it was a